What is CBD?
CBD is cannabidiol, one of the many cannabinoids found in the hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike the cannabinoid THC, CBD is non psychotropic, meaning it will not make you "high." Some people find that CBD provides relief from their ailments.
How do I know which product is right for me and my condition?
A 10mg softgel or peppermint tincture might be appropriate as an introduction to CBD. Some prefer a 25mg softgels or HydroBond water soluble tincture. A topical salve or balm stick may be a good addition. Janice offers 15, 30 and 60-minute consultations for those who want more specific guidance. Check out specific dosing information here.
How do we choose a high quality CBD product and what makes your products different from others on the market?
A recent study by the FDA showed that 70% of CBD products sold online were mislabeled, with some containing zero CBD. It’s important to look for a product from a reputable company, made from organically grown hemp (cannabis and hemp are bioaccumulator plants), that can provide a certificate of analysis (COA) to prove that what is on the label is accurate. I offer independent lab testing for all my products showing the cannabinoid profiles and to prove absence of contaminants and solvent residues on the product page on my website.
Also, look for full spectrum (with all the synergistic cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in the plant) or broad spectrum (with all components except THC) products versus the cheaper, less effective isolate products. It's important to buy CBD products from a trusted source. I did extensive research to find the highest quality CBD products for my clients. Jannabis Wellness phytocannabinoid-rich hemp products are organically grown in the USA, contain a broad spectrum of cannabinoids including CBD (cannabidiol). Most of the products do not contain the psychotropic THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Jannabis Wellness peppermint tincture contains a tiny, non-intoxicating, legal amount of THC, which may increase the effectiveness of the CBD. Though unlikely, this product could potentially result in a positive drug test.
How do I know how much to take?
Dosing instructions can be found here.
When will I see relief?
Everyone is different in terms of if, when, and how much relief they will see from taking CBD oil. Some report relief in a matter of days, while in others it can take two or more weeks to see a beneficial effect. There are some people who may not see significant relief. Don't give up! It's possible that trying another mode of intake would work better (some people may lack the enzyme needed to process the softgels (and edibles) and may respond better to a tincture).
Do I need my medical marijuana certification to buy your products?
No! The CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes in Jannabis Wellness products are derived from a medicinal hemp plant (versus a cannabis/marijuana plant), so no medical card is necessary to purchase. The growing and manufacture of hemp products is legal according to the 2018 Federal Farm Bill.
What other cannabinoids and terpenes are found in your hemp CBD products?
Jannabis Wellness hemp CBD products contain a broad spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant. The above chart below shows the percentage of cannabinoids and terpenes in Jannabis Wellness products. These components work synergistically to provide the greatest benefit.
Will CBD interact with my other medications?
CBD is metabolized using the same enzyme system (CYP450) in the liver that is used to metabolize some other medications. This could cause a slight increase or decrease in blood levels of certain meds, which is not a major issue at the dose of CBD most of my clients take. However, if taking a drug that should not be combined with grapefruit (which also uses the CYP450 enzyme system), a large dose of CBD could cause enough of an increase or decrease in levels in the blood to alter the effectiveness of the drug. This could present an issue if it’s a medication that has a narrow therapeutic window or one that regulates heart rhythm or blood clotting.
It's recommended to take CBD at a different time than other medications to lessen the chance of an interaction. Jannabis Wellness tinctures might be a better option than an edible/softgel for some clients since it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, reducing the possibility of any interaction. In addition, topical salve is not absorbed into the blood so should not have an effect on other medications. It's important to inform your doctor about any supplements you may be taking, including CBD.
Will CBD show up on a drug test?
Jannabis Wellness products (with the exception of the peppermint tincture) contain zero THC so will not produce a positive drug test for THC. Generally speaking, CBD products can legally contain up to 0.3% THC so may trigger a positive drug test. If this is a concern be sure to choose a zero THC product, confirmed with independent lab analysis (found on my product page).
How can I pay for your products?
I can now accept credit cards. You may also send a check to 40 Glen Street Melrose, MA 02176 or pay via Zelle (to jnbissex@gmail.com) or Google Pay (to jannabiswellness@gmail.com) for the products.